Hiring a St Louis CPA

It takes a lot of years of professional training to become a certified public accountant. Once certified, a CPA can offer a wide range of services to the public, which includes individual consumers, businesses, charities and corporate entities. The following are some of the services you can get from a St Louis CPA:

i) Tax Preparation
Every business or adult is required by law to file tax returns and pay their tax bill. This must be done during the tax season before the filing deadline reaches. There are many types of taxes that taxpayers are required to pay. The most common is the income tax. There is also sales tax and corporate tax for businesses, as well as excise tax and import duty among others. Individual taxpayers are required to pay a type of tax known as payroll tax. A CPA can make your work easier by doing your taxes and preparing your tax bill.

ii) Payroll Services
Payroll services entails a number of things. For instance, it involves tracking of the number of hours employees have worked and calculating their gross pay. It also entails calculation and withholding of payroll tax. If employees are entitled to health insurance and pension contributions, insurance premiums and pension contributions are deducted and forwarded to the right accounts.
Any other deductions, bonuses and allowances are also handled under payroll services. A CPA can competently handle the payroll needs of any organization.

iii) Auditing
Every year, registered companies are required to have their financial statements audited and submitted to the authorities. A CPA can act as either an internal or external auditor and check the accounts of a business, and give an independent opinion to shareholders. Get further info here.

iv) Bookkeeping 
Bookkeeping services are nowadays outsourced to third party CPA firms for cost and efficiency reasons. In that regard, a CPA can handle all bookkeeping requirements of an organization.